IESGA is introducing an Optional Tees choice for players in 2024. Any player can elect to play from the forward tees or the standard A, B, C flight tees in the D flight. They can make this selection on a tournament-by-tournament basis. A player does not have to play the same tees in every tournament.
How IESGA Flights are Determined
The IESGA Handicap Indexes (HI) (average of the 3 lowest handicap indexes for the last 5 IESGA rounds x .96) for all players in each tournament are ranked from low to high and then divided into 4 equal groups (Flights). The A, B & C flights play the ‘Standard Tees’, typically the white tees. The D flights plays the forward tees, typically the gold or red tees.
Playing the Forward Tees Option
Any player in any tournament can elect to play the forward tees in any flight. A player that is in the A, B or C flight and elects to play the forward tees will have their Course Handicap (CH) adjusted for the forward tees.
Examples: Indian Canyon
HI Flight Tees CH Tees CH Difference
10.4 A White 8 Red 5 Loses 3 strokes
15.2 B White 13 Red 9 Loses 4 strokes
21.0 C White 19 Red 15 Loses 4 strokes
Examples: Circling Raven
HI Flight Tees CH Tees CH Difference
10.4 A White 10 Green 4 Loses 6 strokes
15.2 B White 15 Green 9 Loses 6 strokes
21.0 C White 22 Green 14 Loses 8 strokes
A player in the A, B or C flight that opts to play the forward tees is allowed to enter the Net Skin and Deuce Pot and is eligible for the low Net Score for that flight. The player is ineligible to enter the Gross Skin and Honey Pot. The player is also not allowed to win KP for that flight or the Gross Club Championship for that flight.
Why Play the Forward Tees
The major reason is to have a more enjoyable experience. The difference between the Standard tees and the Forward tees can be substantial. Example: Circling Raven White tees 6,108 yds. Green tees 5,389 yds. The Green tees also eliminate many forced carries. Yes, the player loses strokes, but their final score may be lower overall and they enjoyed the round more.
Playing Standard A, B, C Flight Tees in the D Flight
A player in the D flight can opt to play the Standard tees (typically White tees) in the D flight. Their Course Handicap will be adjusted to the Standard tees.
Examples: Indian Canyon
HI Flight Tees CH Tees CH Difference
23.0 D Red 17 White 21 Gains 4 strokes
Examples: Esmeralda
HI Flight Tees CH Tees CH Difference
23.0 D Gold 18 White 21 Gains 3 strokes
A player that opts to play the Standard tees in the D flight is eligible to enter ALL side games, KPs and the Club Championship for the D flight.
Why Play the Standard A, B, C Flight Tees in the D Flight
If a player is the D flight can drive the ball 200 plus yards this may put them into trouble off the Forward tees whereas they avoid traps, hazards, etc. from the Standard tees.
email any questions or comments to John Hanke (
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